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An Operating Condition Adjustment Method for Power Grid Using Multi-DRL-Agent Architecture叶琳;项中明;张静;徐建平;吕勤;尚秀敏;杨靖萍;刁瑞盛;






关键词(KeyWords): 人工智能;电网调度与控制;深度强化学习;多智能体

基金项目(Foundation): 国网浙江省电力有限公司科技项目(5211JH1900M4)

作者(Authors): 叶琳;项中明;张静;徐建平;吕勤;尚秀敏;杨靖萍;刁瑞盛;

DOI: 10.19585/j.zjdl.202206001


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